Precision Ag Sales & Service


Digital Innovation Hubs Incubate European Ag Robotics Culture

European Union financial backing and collaboration building a strong scaffolding for a growing European agricultural robotics ecosystem.

Ag-focused Digital Innovation Hubs are just one way Europe is positioning to become a center of agricultural robotic technology. European Union funded projects, such as agROBOfood — a robust consortium of research entities and businesses — are creating collaborative spaces and providing capital to help technology developers apply robotics to the unique challenges of automating agriculture. 

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Looking Back to Look Forward: Predictions on Autonomy from 2011

This 2011 article, A Report From 25 Years Hence, predicting the future of farm autonomy was cited in examining autonomy’s state in 2023.
The typical U.S. crop farm of 2035 is not that different from the typical farm of 2010, in the same way that the 2010 farm was not the artificially intelligent, self-sufficient, robotic paradise that many predicted way back in 1985.
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Autonomy Report

Dealer Perspective: Concerns About & Customer Interest in Autonomous Farm Machinery

Dealers weigh in on how likely their customers are to purchase autonomous farm equipment in the next 10 years.
Of the dealers queried, nearly 60% shared their customers would fall into the “likely” or “very likely” category of interest in autonomous farm machinery. They estimate 20% would be unlikely to have an interest and 20% uncommitted or “neutral” in their interest level.
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Autonomy Report

Weighing The Viability of an Autonomous Future

As robotics, AI and autonomous technology continue to evolve, manufacturers, dealers and customers weigh in on what an autonomous future for ag looks like, and what it will take to get there.
While many claim the Industrial Revolution is history, supplanted by the so-called “Digital Age” or “Information Age,” commercial agriculture seems to be thriving while simultaneously in both eras.
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